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ACCES Employment is a leader in connecting employers with qualified employees from diverse backgrounds. More than 35,000 job seekers are served annually at six locations across the Greater Toronto Area. As a not-for-profit corporation, ACCES receives funding from all levels of government, corporate sponsors, various supporters, and the United Way Greater Toronto.

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A fully inclusive labour force that reflects the diversity, skills and experience of Canada’s population.


ACCES Employment assists job seekers from diverse backgrounds, who are facing barriers to employment, to integrate into the Canadian job market. We achieve this by providing employment services, linking employers to skilled people and building strong networks in collaboration with community partners.

ACCES Employment serves over 15,000 newcomer women a year. They have extensive experience tailoring their programming to address the unique needs of this client group. ACCES Employment currently delivers 3 customized programs for women. Additionally, ACCES Employment has over 33 years of experience delivering employment services, with a specialization in serving immigrants. More than 34,000 job seekers are served annually at six locations across the GTA and through national and pre-arrival online programming, including 5 Employment Ontario programs and over 30 specialized employment services.

ACCES Employment is testing Model 2: Navigating the Canadian Labour Market at their Brampton location with 160 visible minority newcomer women who are either semi-skilled or high skilled. ACCES will offer three versions of the intervention (Version A – basic program, Version B – basic program + creative and problem-solving workshops, Version C – basic program + creative and problem-solving workshops + Valid-8). Each version of the intervention will be offered to several cohorts of participants.

ACCES is implementing a quasi-experimental design that will recruit 160 program participants who will receive services from the intervention. Individuals who have similar characteristics to the program group will be identified to form the comparison group for the analysis. Individuals in the comparison group will not take part in the intervention but has access to all services that already exist and available to this client group.